Jude lists the way of Cain, the error of Balaam, and the rebellion of Korah as his way of identifying the infiltration of men “who have crept in unnoticed, those who were long beforehand marked out for this condemnation.”
Jude says this behavior and leadership spirit has already been judged and condemned by God. These are believers whose actions and motivations are condemned. These are infiltrators who operate in malpractice.
The third group is identified by lawlessness. Each of the three is each recognized by behaviors and motivations seen in historical figures, so we recognize the spiritual infiltration in them that now infiltrates the kingdom through them. Jude tells us this group leads a rebellion against God’s chosen leaders.
God Chooses Leaders
We do not choose leaders. We do not select our leaders. We do not find ourselves some parents. We do not assign ourselves to kingdom leaders. We do not determine alone what leaders we have in government. None of the leaders God chooses for our lives answer to our decisions about leadership. They all answer to our acceptance of God’s choices for our leadership.
In the kingdom, God calls, and human leaders other than the leader himself validate what God has decided about that leader’s function and metron of function. Not us. Not the leader. This is a kingdom leadership issue, so we all submit to the King.
False Equality
Not Korah and his group of rebels. They believed in the doctrine of false equality. They thought that every kingdom citizen is equal, each answer to God himself, none is accountable to another except for love, and none submits to human leaders in the kingdom of God. They believed in a community, not a culture. They believed in independence, not in principle, process, and protocol.
So, Korah says to Moses, “You have taken on too much, you and Aaron. Who do you think you are? We are all holy people, and we can all do what you do. Time for you to step aside, Moses and Aaron, we are not going to submit to your leadership anymore.”
Moses falls with his face to the ground to show God he is submitted. Moses sees where this is going. Moses has been in the Glory enough to fear God more than Korah. He knows what is coming and he wants God to recognize that he is not negotiating with lawlessness.
“Bring your walking sticks to the Tabernacle, and we will leave there overnight to see what God thinks of this proposal,” he says. Korah is so confident of his ideology that he agrees to this test. He has no idea what is coming, but Moses does.
Overnight, Aaron’s rod budded with flowers and almonds showing miraculous life. No other walking stick showed any signs of life.
Once God revealed the spiritual reality behind His decisions on leadership, He isolated the rebels into one group, opened the ground to swallow them, closed the ground to complete the cleanup, and left the people without lawless leaven. It was if Korah never existed.
The Influence of Lawlessness
The spiritual condition that produced Korah, his behaviors, and his following is lawlessness. It says there are not absolutes that operate without exceptions. It says that no principle applies to all except the false assertion that we are all equal in authority and power. It says individuals can decide instead of the King. It means the pot tells the potter what to do.
In the kingdom of God, the King chooses His representatives, assigns them a metron of authorized representation, assigns them the people they are to lead, makes them accountable for training those people and positioning those people to produce the assignment, and training those people to submit to the King’s strategic decisions.
Leaders both prepare and position kingdom citizens for function in the kingdom Ecclesia. Leaders have oversight responsibilities to deal with infiltrations like Cain, Balaam, and Korah. In the metaphor of sheep and shepherd, kingdom leaders deal with wolves who are false leaders. Wolves act out the spiritual conditions of Cain, Balaam, and Korah.
The kingdom of God should be without these conditions, so these kinds of wolves should disappear as if they never existed, so their influences have no power over the people of the kingdom.
We never normalize Cain, Balaam, and Korah influences, tolerate the spiritual darkness they release or find a place among ourselves for them to dwell. We set them outside the gates of the kingdom of God. That is what leaders do.
Lawlessness and Awakening
In Awakening, the general population experiences a heightened awareness of God. When they do, lawlessness will become more apparent, exposure of lawlessness will look like creatures crawling from the dark places and shadows that have always been there undetected. Awakening exposes frauds, and Awakening leaders deal with exposed wolves.
Awakening always leads to a reset of kingdom culture. With a heightened awareness of God comes a heightened awareness of His authority and power. Awakening increases worship, submission, and the fear of the Lord. Awakening asks for obedience based upon submission based upon shared passion based upon trust.
So, Awakening exposes rebellion, and the rebellious reveal their hearts by their behaviors.
Understanding Lawlessness
Lawlessness is as old as the devil. He is the lawless one, but he is also at work to establish lawlessness in people so that his efforts against Jesus will gain more significant influence. Lawlessness is the influence of satan and his rebellion at work through open doors of rebellion in human hearts expanded by demonic influence. Lawless refuses to submit, will sometimes obey, cannot share passion, and operates in unbelief or distrust of God and His chosen leaders.
Lawlessness demands to be in control as a means of avoiding submission.
Lawless has a problem with authority. Lawlessness seeks to alter the principles, processes, and protocols that govern the kingdom culture.
Lawlessness will direct revolt against assigned leaders, usually justifying that revolt with a system of thinking contrary to God’s. It will permit itself to rebel, encourage others to rebel, and create a community based upon false expectations and anticipations – Law and Prophets – that answers to its errant suppositions.
Lawlessness is now reached a pandemic proportion within the kingdom of God. It is justified by a rejection of the authority of the Bible, a judgment against proper authority, and the embrace of the world’s system of leadership.
Lawlessness will find a way to explain away what is assumed in the Bible and live out the consequences of that unbelief. It will new norms for kingdom leadership that ignore and cancel the ones the Bible provides. It will reject the fivefold ministry and eldering leadership criteria to make room for a governmental structure more potent than the one Jesus sets, that is, one that usurps His Kingship by replacing His representatives with those chosen by human beings.
Lawlessness will justify complete disengagement from the kingdom through the redefining of ekklesia. In this way, “Church” can be whatever men define it to be, allowing men to do with the kingdom Ecclesia what they wish, thus making it something “other than.” None of the authority of Jesus flows through a “church” that human beings have designed and defined as a substitute for the kingdom Ecclesia: Jesus will not accommodate lawlessness.
The horrible misapplication of the verse, “where two or three are gathered together in My Name,” compounds this error, justifying the ridiculous idea that anytime two or three people decide to do something together and say, “Jesus,” or put His Name to it, He is there. Added to that error is the even more ridiculous jump to the conclusion that “He is there” can be defined in any way the people so gathered decide.
In this error, Jesus becomes the servant of those assembled parts because they say so, and “He is there” means whatever they decide to do in His Name is blessed by the King. This insult to basic intelligence now serves tens of thousands of misrepresentations of kingdom Ecclesia worldwide.
The slide into lawlessness branches into further error as the kingdom of God is left out of church and church makes no room for the kingdom of God. Even the “we are in the church age” crowd didn’t count on this level of insurrection! They did not originate the error of “kingdom someday, nothing but church now,” or its variations to kick the King out and allow Him back in to serve man! But, lawlessness abounds.
No one is born of the Spirit to enter the church. They enter the kingdom to be prepared to function in the Ecclesia. Korah rebellion has used the error of “this is the church age” combined with “church is what we design and define it to be” with the childish use of “where two or three are gathered” to produce the kind of “church” satan alone could have produced. It is lawlessness with “Jesus” as an after-market add-on feature, not standard but available on demand.
Vagabonds on Vacation
In addition, Korah rebellion binds the vagabonds on vacation. A vagabond on vacation is a person suffering the delusional spasms of conferencitis and wandering willies. They wander about like a family on vacation, bags packed, moving from one celebrated source to another, always following a full-color brochure routed to good, exciting, and marketed experiences of church-anity. They have no root system. They have no accountability. They are a law unto themselves. They are consumers, clouds without rain, empty and seeking something, and lawless as the wind.
They are out there wandering about without leaders, function, connections, or accountability. They use the same Korah rebellion justification: “we are all God’s children” and “the sheep all belong to Jesus” and “I answer only and directly to God, and not to any human being.”
They are lawless by every principle of Scripture, but like all rebellious people, they are exceptions to the rules. The policies do not apply to them because they are equal to any leader. They quote the same Scripture phrases all rebels use as slogans for their insurrection. “You have no need that any man teach you,” and “Holy Spirit is my teacher and guide,” and “My sheep know My voice, another they will not follow.”
They quote the same misapplied verses that Korah’s attorney used in his defense – had there been one – applying what the Bible points at leaders to every person. “We are all sent, so we are all apostles. We are all prophetic, so we are all prophets. We need no man to teach us, so we are all teachers. We have Jesus as the Good Shepherd, so we are all sheep. We are all spokesman of the Gospel, so we are all equally capable of winning souls.” See? The Bible suddenly teaches that we are all leaders, so none of us need to follow anyone.
They believe in “direct discipling.” They apply the words of Jesus to His originating Twelve and Seventy to themselves even though they are not apostles. They skip over the idea that the Great Commission is addressed to leaders, not every believer personally, commissioning leaders to baptize, train, and disciple cultures, none of which “any person who decides to” can do. They live without order, so they live in disorder.
They are Korah rebels. This infiltration feeds on conferences where these vagabonds on vacation receive specific celebration without consideration of any kingdom leader validation. There is no personal accountability for their lives, functions, words, or ministries. And, they preach that this is the New Covenant norm, ignoring kingdom culture and kingdom leadership except to mention how it might apply to them personally outside the context of alignment.
When they wish, any one of them can commission anyone among them without consideration of the kingdom protocols for validation. They can be Diotrephes because they can refuse to receive or read any word from an authentic leader at any time. They are exempt from principles on marriage, family, finances, and personal addictions. They are exempt from participation in a regional Ecclesia and can work at odds to what Jesus is doing in any region. They build outhouses on the highway as rest stops for other vacationing vagabonds.
They ignore the fact that God is building His Oikos.
This behavior may be a church norm, but it can never be kingdom normal. It is a rebellion of Korah infiltration within and against the kingdom of God, and the New Era Reformation will expose its error with a spiritual cat scan. The rebels will fall every apostolic directive religious or self-proclaimed while they remain in self-proclaim exile from kingdom reality.
We are not building on this foundation because there is no foundation there. So, we cannot invest time and energy in what God will sweep into a big hole in the ground.
We should tear down what vagabonds build, uproot what vagabonds plant, and confront Korah rebellion wherever we see it. We should identify these rebels during our conferences so wandering about from conference to conference never answers to their prescription for kingdom leadership. We should never allow this kind of apostle, prophet, teacher, evangel, or shepherd a moment of influence.
The rebellion of Korah met with an immediate, finalizing response from Moses and God. We should not dig and hole in the ground and bury tens of millions of vagabonding vacationers, but we should have a specific, kingdom-wide response to how we incorporate them into the New Era Reformation and the regional Ecclesia. If not, we will welcome a rebellion into the heart of the kingdom reset.